I've been reading. Theres this book, called Holy Cow!. Some Sarah Mcdonald woman wrote it. My first time with such writing. It starts slow. It reads slow. It ends slow. Its one of the best books I've ever read. Its so readable, you hate to put it down. Even in the loo. It talks about well... nothing really; its got a nice feel to it... Mcdonald makes a good job of placing you inside her head. She travels through India, and well... thinks. India in a nutshell, as viewed by a thinking person: I'm suggesting an alternate title. NICE!

Its been some time since I came to Dubai. Its hot. I dont get out much. I've been spending a lot of time with my brother. Its different now. We hog the nicotine together. Dads bearing it. He doesnt bother with the whole 'you-must-stop-or-else' bit. The way he's giving us space, is, well, strange, but amazing all the same. Dubai... has changed. The last time I was here for this long, I was right out of high school, brash, cocky (As much as you'd like to convince me otherwise - I've changed.), and horny as hell. Now, I look at brash, cocky, and hyper horny kids, on the streets of Dubai, and go "What is the world coming to??" Maybe I'm old already. Maybe, I think different now. I dont know... I think I can see a grey hair.
StAt3m3nT: Those who give all their life... get their ass kicked in the end... so dont.
I like this 1..! I dont kno.. cud kind of.. 'relate'..! :P
Liked this 1.. dude..! I dont kno.. I guess I cud.. 'relate' or somethin.. SANS the 'nicotine' though..
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