Saturday, August 19, 2006

CauTion: Wet Paint...!

OK, I'm a little frustrated now. There was a shceduled outage on blogger as soon as I wrote this , and I have ever since been in love with the refresh button on my Web browser. Refresh... refresh... oh wait... refresh, and finally after a lot of begging and pleading to the machine, it finally worked. The past week has not been good to me. I have been running from one end of the campus to the other, registered for the IMS CAT course, studied for it, done a lot of assignments, and well, lived the life of a classical nerd, for the past 7 days. And trust me: These guys do not need a work out. They use their heads too much. I am wondering, if that is why my appetite is on its familiar-but-not-so-pleasant zenith. I am getting fat now.

Not healthy... just fat.

For the first time in my life here at NIT, I have stayed up till three doing an assignment (Sounds like no big deal huh...?), in the first month of the semester(And now?). My take on it: Its good, coz when I sit in my Electron Circuits class now, I can actually understand how the ciruit works... OK... not exactly, but somehow. Its like, you know when you've heard a language that you dont speak for a long enough time, you can pick up what the other person is saying, without actually knowing words. Meaning, you can understand, but not really say anything. I am feeling pretty proud now. Wait...(For those of you, who are out to burst my bubble, please click on the upper right icon on our window[HINT: It looks like an X].).

Other reasons why I've been that busy are: We just shifted from the temporary hostel, to this other way cooler one. Problem: We were on the first floor of the temporary hostel- and had to shift to the second floor of the other hostel... and these buildings, were almost a kilometre in distance away from each other. I was particularly weary of such excersise... so well, I just dialed my phone, and called my brother(I am not a sadist... but I do happen to have juniors who will work for me). So voila, while I was lighting cigarettes, there were these guys, picking my stuff and shifting it, bit by bit(Righteous people: try lifting a huge trunk, which well, is too big to be held by one dude... oh wait... did I mention: It isnt empty!).

Theres amazing ventilation in the new hostel. The 4th wall, is almost entirely window(They're big man...), and it gets pretty chilly early in the morning, which obviously means I will only bother a little lesser to be seen in class in the morning, and god knows I need to. I think I still have the IHS hangover, where I want classes to start at 1.00 in the afternoon, and probably end at 6.30 in the evening. Can you imagine the kind of life I've been living so far, what with having to wake up at a solid 10.30 in the morning, after getting a decent 6 hours of sleep? And suddenly, I have to get hit by a truck, and land up here. What went wrong with me, I thought, when I decided that this college, will determine the future for me. The biggest pain in the ass, is the attendance bit. Now the thing is, when I dont attend, Im supposed to redo the course from scratch, the next time its offered, which amounts to me doing a 5th sem course, in my 7th sem, when I'm actually supposed to be getting placed and doing weed till my eyes pop out. Apart from which I shall be dropping a course from my 7th semester, which means, I shall be wasting my time, just figuring out what my subjects are before doing anything substantial.

And, financially, the news is, I'm broke. I have not one penny in my pocket right now(which is a good thing, because the cigarettes are cutting themselves down.). Its not like I dont have money in the bank. I have money in the bank, but my cards fucked, and I dont want to use my passbook, since this stupid rule that will cause me to lose a lotta money if I update my passbook. So well. I'm playing it safe and being broke. I gotta go now, get my photographs... God BlEsS


P.S. Got a haircut... post pics shortly.... Aj

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

ThiS ShiT Is siCk...

Yeah I know, I shoulnt have had a cold water bath at 11:30 in the night. And yeah I know that I should have had something for my cough. But guess what: No one counts on all the diseases in the world - NOT all in one night. You gotta be psycho to be able to think that way. I think they've named a disease after that condition. Thats when you know your'e really psycho- they have a 'name' for what you have. Freaky.

No, really, I lead a pretty disgusting lifestyle, if I may say so myself, but I definitely didnt count on my health giving away almost completely, just one fine morning. So I wake up, and Im really cold, like its the middle of december. I had a hunch this would happen. On an ordinary day, I'd be really happy, with the prospect of not going to college the entire day. But this day was different. You see, my attendance is already terribly low, and trust me this wouldnt really look good(my reputation wasn't exactly what you called 'nice').
Suddenly I'm looking around for a pill(Usually dont pop them... just wanted to get to class(yes... this happens sometimes)) and a minute later... lose hope(See... the lazy me is back). So I just lie back and go to sleep, but this time wearing three t-shirts, my blanket AND the bedsheet over me, and still feeling cold. This couldnt be good.

[This is when I really didnt know what was going on... I was sleeping... well not really, I slept only half the time, so this is a partial recollection of what happened when I was awake...]

I can see half the fan spinning, I'm too tired to look at the whole thing. I'm still really cold, and now my feet hurt. My head hurt and breathing made my nose burn. Now my eyes are fixed at a corner on my wall, where a spider is taking an awful lot of time to decide where it wants to go...

Its not day anymore. I open my eyes, look at the corner. The spiders not there anymore, but the corner reminds me that I'm supposed to be sick. Its still cold, which means I'm burning up. I resign and fall asleep.

Its late. I message my brother. I need two things. Food, and Medicine. Pronto. Having spent what little energy I had, I doze off again.

I wake up, at the hazy silhouette of my brother at the door. He was smoking a cigarette. How I wish, I thought. My food and medicines ( Did not want to go heavy... Hello! How was I to know that in a very little time... the shit was gonna get CraZy.). I called out to him, but had no voice. I strained enough to call him, and started coughing. Just like that, I tell you. Trust me. Just like that I was coughing, lightly at first, but in a few moments... pretty heavily... like my lungs had declared war on my body. Too late for a cough syrup now. Fortunately it was a friday, so there were a few days that I could play around with.

I have a painful sleep. If theres one thing that you do not want to have along with fever, a splitting headache and a very bad cough, is a bad, bad pain... in your entire body. The pain is just enough to keep you semi awake, so soon you get bored with trying to sleep, and are forced to notice, what goes on in Ajwad's room through the night, among other things:

Its dark. The fan makes wierd noises every 4 seconds. Yes... exactly 4 seconds before it cries out. Its like a word... if you listen to it closely. Always the exact sound. I feel bad for the fan... saying the same word every 4 seconds of its existence. Makes Polly's life seem worthwile. Hell, at least it gets crackers sometimes.

Its too dark to see the spider, so well, I kinda missed out on its adventures. My jeans are hung behind the door... and theyr'e almost about to fall off, but not quite. Even if the fan was on a faster setting, I coulda sworn the damn thing would have fallen. But it didnt... it just stayed there. I was really really bored, and my idea of adventure was to predict if the pair of jeans would actually fall(Sometimes I wonder, if this is the way they come up with movies these days).
The sky wasnt changing colors yet. I flipped open my cell phone(Yes... I have a clamshell cell phone... I know its no biggie... but who cares... I somehow think its super cool), to check the time. I opened up the gallery, and looked at pictures that I took. Not really me, no, Im not that big on cameras on phones, but those that my little sis took these vacations... hmm... Me sleeping... interesting... Me sleeping1, me sleeping2, my brother sleeping... A dozen other pictures of all my family members sleeping... (Only mug shots... so well...:p), I saw a few pictures my sis took of herself. I smiled. Apart from this there were a few pictures of my ear... (yes... Ive tried stunts too), and other very wierd pictures of my fingers... and some really random pictures of... I dont know what... They were taken too wierdly for reason. Somehow, looking at pictures made me miss home. Then it struck me more, when I took a breath n my nose burnt... again. I closed my eyes again, this time I was determined to sleep. I have no vivid recollections of what happened that night...

Its been 3 days now... I feel much better. I feel strangely happy,like I just got over some depression... When you get over an ailment, its got a confusing effect on you. I feel like superman. I feel like I can hold everything thats kicking my ass right now, and ... well... kick it right back. I think everyone deserves to feel that way. Afterall... hope is what makes the world go round. Gotta rush. Cant miss class.

God bless,