Mood: Angry.
Im feeling fucked up right now. I had a fight with dad, bro, bro, mom, and anyone who means anything to me. Why? Questions. Answers. Counter questions. Arguments. Leadless, endless, arguments without result. Calculating fault is not one of my strong points; whenever I sit down to do such a thing, I can come up with no begining, no end, no point, no right and no wrong with names to check across it. I dont know what my point was... aw heck... even thinking about it is useless excersise.

I'm half contemplating punching the walls in frustration. This is really not the reason I came back to Dubai. Its not a failed endeavour, the attempt at feeling empty on reaching here, sometimes called fulfillment. But somehow, theres always a black lining in the silver cloud of hope that hangs pretty ominously[tRanSitIon: uP-dOwNwArDs]. The proverbial lull before the storm. Moods are temporary; bad ones follow good ones, and the cycle continues.
So today, I fought. I fought hard. I havent slept all night... and I have little recollection of what I'm writing, even right now. Im drowsy now: theres random music playing on the player. I cant understand the words, and theres a struggle to comprehend the beat somewhere in my mind, I dont know eyelids are heavy.
Stat3m3nT: Good NiTe... ToO SlEePy tO gO oN.
Hey ajwad
Really nice blog man..No idea u cud write so well..esp. the 24 hour thing was amazing..Only, whats up with the forced capital letters?? takes away frm the writing a bit...personal opinion
Ending is a bit haphazard.
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