The 15th of May ... (I dont know why I'm hung up with dates of late .... but yea.... the 15th of May), last year... I remember standing behind a dumpster, waiting for my bastard brother to get loose of his chemistry tuitions... it was supposed to be a surprise... I had landed that afternoon... after finishing a rather tiring Michael Crichton... Airframe, was it?... trust me the flight was that uninteresting... do I really need to tell anyone how 'sexy' the Indian Airlines 'babes' were? That night, as I gorged my way through a huge dinner mom conjured up, I subtracted one more day from my vacations.... a month flew by and my vacation was over .... and now a year. The next time I'm going to be home is drawing closer... its very close... im subtracting dates between then and now, and as I do that... I look back at the one year I've spent without the sound of random cars trying to speed their way through Ghusais... Watching the thursday movie... or just eating mum's Daal Chawal... I'm almost there... and I'm thinking... I must be fixated with subtraction..............
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