Thursday, March 04, 2010

Make my day A**hole!

When was the last time you looked in the mirror?I did… today morning… and I had an ugly person stare back at me.

For all the sceptics, you probably are the person that you hate the most, mainly because you fail to live up to you stupid fucking standards that you set for yourself.I envy the people who are ab-FUCKING-sorbed in self love. Good for all of youI want to be like them;I'm a decent actor;BUT: What the fuck do you do to fool yourself?Sometimes I wish I was an idiot… living like… bloody everyone else! The cruel man up there just had to give me a brain to think with… much like a pocket comb to break out of a prison cell. What am I supposed to do with it? Think? And ?

Maybe, I'm kinda spineless. But they programmed me that way… in conformance to standards. Everything is the same. Like an assembly line of idiots manufactured by the thousands every day, complete with significant brain shrinkage, with all the ultrasounds, and the sonograms, and the MRI's and the WTF's that they subject to unhealthy half babies, breeding in unhealthy mothers, fathered by a man who wheezes through a roll in the sack, and he was probably born to parents who were hippies, and advocated free love. Did you know that today, Autism is like the fucking common cold… We're all the same - morons, with primitive intelligence, like I said, in conformance to standards. I'm surprised we all dont speak the same language yet… Wait, we do, dont we? Hld dat tht 4 a sec, brb…

The fact of the matter is, we like subjugation, we like being opressed, and we like being humiliated, which kinda leaves us to be what we are, a frustrated planet. For example, Some of us tie our partners, and thats just payback for what life does to us: tie us up and engage in rough anal play.What I'm really saying is: Can we change? Can we really make a difference? Or is the smoke going to settle one day, and we're gone, and the only phrase fitting our epitaph is "Also lived: Some dude who died"?I guess…

The only thing that i need to add to this is: "is this the world we want to bring up our children in?". There: maybe some minor editing and I'm good to run for President! Maybe I'll get a nobel prize for scratching my secret service protected balls, and watching the world go to shit.

More later, taking a leak has high priority right now.




Ahmer said...


Unknown said...

Ok, I'm woke now...