It was one long, hateful, tiring, loathsome semester. But everyone knew that. I was legend in campus. They called me the living proof of Murphy's law( NO fUckIng CommENts...). The whole story is too long for one cohesive entry... so well... its going to take a while, and a lot of patience(Yes... mine...:p).
Part I: Fist of God.
It was my Transducers introductory course (if I dont know... you cant expect to know... get it?), and I was smiling on the way to class. This guy, my lecturer, was nicknamed 'Sandman' with all of us; he had this legendary ability to give us the good stuff. It didnt matter how awake you felt. He just had this nack of well... putting you to sleep. And I had the perfect solution. For the past few days I was carrying some paperback to class and reading away. The lecturer goes on and on. I dont have to pay attention; I dont sleep or get thrown out, and I'm quiet enough to pass off as one of those highly disciplined types(fine... at least the low profile types...(Ok... give me a break...!)). Lookinfg back at all that, all I can think of is 'Little did I know...'
So I reach class, take my usual place in the left row, right next to the window, from where I could see any and every staff member who entered the department building. What I didnt calculate was them seeing me...(Yes... thats my little did I know moment...).
So there I am... halfway through a very interesting read (I think it was a Forsyth...), and suddenly, through the corner of my eye from the left... I see something.
Its my HOD, minding his own business and entering the building... Our eyes meet...
As his gaze drifts downwards, with a practiced hand I push the novel into my bag, clutched my thumping heart and prayed for the life of me, that he didnt notice. He just walked right into the building. I was safe... I smiled.
Two minutes by the clock. The door to my lecture hall flew open, with Guess who smiling at the whole class. No one knew what was happening. No one... except me. I saw him see me. And that wasnt good because he knew I knew he knew. He walked a few paces, till he was level with me and put forth his right hand in front of me. Like I was supposed to know what to do. I did, but I tried to play the fool...

Wrong move. I was pulled by my ears to his office(Excuse me... this is college... wtf... Ear pulling?).
'Who are you?'
(Was this guy playing it cool?)
'Sir... nx6125... sir'
(What...? im not going with my roll number in print... Sod off...)
'And what exactly do you think you're doing with a novel in the classroom?'
(Smart question... who had the answer to that one... lets see... Sir I was reading...)
'No Sir... sir'
(trust me, this, I'm too scared to answer thing works... its my secret weapon; that, and begging.)
'What?, you think you're very smart?'
(Actually yes, considering you couldnt catch me with the Debonair I brought to class yesterday...:))
(Silence... scared silence... I did not know wht to do... it was turning serious)
'Unless you call your parents, I will not allow you to write your exams...'
(I had him... I allowed myself a smile. It was in my head... but I knew I had him.)
'Sir... they live in Dubai, so you'll have to dial international....'
(I made the innocent face...)
And, just like that, his hand moved away from his Cellphone wallet. Dubai was expensive to call to. And he knew. I took my chance. I got off easy. An apology letter. A promise to not do it ever again.
What followed convinced me of one thing: I was a marked man(Yes... but you dont understand, its not just college... it doesnt work that way where I study.). I understood. I prepared myself for the inevitable: It was never going to be the same again....
Yes... Ok... I still carry books to class. No ones supposed to know allright...?
1 comment:
I bet you loved saying the "they live in Dubai" part... I can seriously imagine you saying that!!! Hehehe...
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