Well... this is a series of pics that I never thought would come out... Summer of '06... Vacations ... the first one is at home... its when I just woke up... do I even need to talk about the second... the second is from the same time period... but well.. Im in a saree shop... it was supposed to be an experimental one, where I blur out the sarees(to get a mindblowing effect btw)... but yea well... got bored... took a snap... n voila...:)

abe saale talli ho ke betha tha kya.....or this was posted by someone else....saale chuddu
:D the second one.. u look soo drunk :D
You look creepy in the first one... and the second you look like you're sizing up the next girl you're gonna start flirting with.
So there. :D
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