A funeral procession just went past. With almost your regular hustle that goes into anything. It was pretty much routine. People die everyday, and they are laid to rest everyday. The amount of people that meld into the earth inconsequentially is staggering... probably posting the more ambitious amongst us against tough odds. Well... ultimately... Who will remember you after you're dead? No one... absolutely no one... and I'm not being a cynic... its such a fact of life: Cry one day, sleep on it, wake up and take a dump and brush your teeth, and have breakfast and life goes on and maybe, just maybe theres an occasional "He was a good man"... but thats just because you have to be polite. Time is the creaky, heavy, slow bull dozer, that just keeps... well... bull dozing.
And... by the way... everyone of my fellow countrymen who haven't registered for the elections already... fucking do it already. http://www.jaagore.com. Its your country dude.