Saturday, May 12, 2012

On the run...

Song : Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson

I had a good nights rest yesterday. How do I know? The drive to work was quite pleasing.
Of course the fact that there was paint music playing on the radio also had to do something with it.

Friday, July 29, 2011

A Funny Thing called Ambition

I've been disconnected from the world for a while. Not carrying my phone, for a week, has shaken things up. Having recieved a nasty work email, somehow has got me running again, which coupled with my belly trying to express its passion these days, isnt keeping things too handsome. I'm having Jungle Boy returning to the City anxiety at the moment, which I'm sure will pass. I'm hesitating going back to the real world, away from this break from the world.

All of the above means, I've spent some time thinking, and sleeping a lot. I'm going to have a nasty Sleep cycle change when I get back to Dubai. I am, however, as we speak trying to get back on track with work - at least partially. I cant let the bar drop now, after all the i
nitial hard work, to be given some responsibility, I do not want them thinking, I'm not what th
ey're looking for. The funny thing about Ambition is, that you never realise 'How much there really is
'. I look around this city, and see a lot of opportunity - Everywhere, from Unfinished Construction Sites, And empty square of land, or just the intent I see in the eyes of its inhabitants. These people, will not be left behind.

At this point in time, I am half thinking I will take the plunge. Common sense, eventually prevails. Time will bring its own surprises. I'm making plans over plans, to achieve, what I think is what I want right now. The hope is, that there isnt someone up there laughing at me.

Ramadan is Approaching - I'm hoping for a revolution in my life. Lets see.



Saturday, July 23, 2011


Ok, so I've arrived to Hyderabad, and its been nice so far. Shankar flew in from Coimbatore, and Rama apparently refused to get to Bangalore for a get together. Feels nice, getting in touch. We've all changed so much, yet it seems as though we are back in College, buffooning away, without a care in the world.

We're all rushing ahead in life, some obsessed, some not so much, but that spark that makes all of us click so much is still there.

I've not slept in about most of a day, but I dont think I'm tired. Maybe when I hit the bed, the dull pain in my back will put me to sleep.

Right now feels like my life has been put on pause, but I'm really not too excited to stay and play. Does time build hesitation on people, to let go. Maybe because right now takes me back to my parallel life, where I was someone else. Or was I.

One thing: Never Enjoyed Running so much!



Sunday, July 03, 2011

With a Promise

To update this Page more often.

Judging by the amount of dust I've had to blow off it - I think I've been missed - NOT!

How goes life?



Thursday, March 04, 2010

Make my day A**hole!

When was the last time you looked in the mirror?I did… today morning… and I had an ugly person stare back at me.

For all the sceptics, you probably are the person that you hate the most, mainly because you fail to live up to you stupid fucking standards that you set for yourself.I envy the people who are ab-FUCKING-sorbed in self love. Good for all of youI want to be like them;I'm a decent actor;BUT: What the fuck do you do to fool yourself?Sometimes I wish I was an idiot… living like… bloody everyone else! The cruel man up there just had to give me a brain to think with… much like a pocket comb to break out of a prison cell. What am I supposed to do with it? Think? And ?

Maybe, I'm kinda spineless. But they programmed me that way… in conformance to standards. Everything is the same. Like an assembly line of idiots manufactured by the thousands every day, complete with significant brain shrinkage, with all the ultrasounds, and the sonograms, and the MRI's and the WTF's that they subject to unhealthy half babies, breeding in unhealthy mothers, fathered by a man who wheezes through a roll in the sack, and he was probably born to parents who were hippies, and advocated free love. Did you know that today, Autism is like the fucking common cold… We're all the same - morons, with primitive intelligence, like I said, in conformance to standards. I'm surprised we all dont speak the same language yet… Wait, we do, dont we? Hld dat tht 4 a sec, brb…

The fact of the matter is, we like subjugation, we like being opressed, and we like being humiliated, which kinda leaves us to be what we are, a frustrated planet. For example, Some of us tie our partners, and thats just payback for what life does to us: tie us up and engage in rough anal play.What I'm really saying is: Can we change? Can we really make a difference? Or is the smoke going to settle one day, and we're gone, and the only phrase fitting our epitaph is "Also lived: Some dude who died"?I guess…

The only thing that i need to add to this is: "is this the world we want to bring up our children in?". There: maybe some minor editing and I'm good to run for President! Maybe I'll get a nobel prize for scratching my secret service protected balls, and watching the world go to shit.

More later, taking a leak has high priority right now.



Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Change?Not the pocket kind...
Well, Whose Pocket has my life?
Or is my change generic?
Part of many? In a bowl?
Changing hands over trivial things,Parking Tickets, Aspirin and Smokes?

Waking up; its Winter.
Washing, Grooming;
Moving gears;
In a Giant Machine?
Do I know me at all?
Waiting for the end,
The 25th;
End of the Month;
Waiting, To begin Again;
For the Ritual,
Of being Broke Again...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Do you ever?

Do you ever think of us,Old, pushing 60, grey haired,Fighting for the paper, sharing spectacles,Bickering over the toilet seat,Or the blanket hogging, when you're cold?

Do you ever imagine us,Beaten, tired, grandparents,Telling the kids you should have married,That kid next door, who ended up rich?And that 'i don't know what I was thinking when I siad yes'

Do you ever see us,Brittle, diabetic, sick in so many ways,
Rembering that I take my pills after breakfast and you after supper?
Panicking when Im short of breath, me, when you complain of pain in your chest?

Telling each other 'you're not going anywhere wihout me'?
And leaving this world to be with you, because I told you to wait, that I'd be there, because I'm just jealous you'll find someone else in the meantime?

Do you ever?
Because I do, and I want it no other way…

Because I love you… old, brittle, tired, maybe… but still mine, and me?
All yours, till I breathe my last
